Bible Study
Sunday School classes for all ages meet at 9:45 every Sunday morning throughout the year.

Kids Worship
During the 11:00 worship service, children in grades 1-6 meet for music, games, Bible stories, and activities just for kids.

Mission Kids
Mission Kids is for our kindergarten through 6th graders. Here kids not only learn about missionaries in our country and around the world, but also engage in mission activities. We also spend time in Bible study and prayer for our missionaries.

Vacation Bible School
A week of Bible lessons, crafts, games, music, friends and much more!

A 5 day, 4 night camp for grades 4-6 to experience the time of their lives and learn more about the message of Jesus Christ!

Christmas Musical
Each Saturday morning starting in October the children have rehearsals for an amazing Christmas musical filled with songs, creative movement, speaking parts and fun sets. They perform their musical at a local nursing home and at the church early in December.